Core Java Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions.
- What are the differences between JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT?
- Which JDK version you used in your project?
- What are the Java 5, 7, 8 features?
- How to migrate the java 7 project to java 8 version?
- How to write Documentation Comment?
- What is Class & Object?
- What is OOPS and what are their pillars?What is Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance and Encapsulation?
- How did you implemented OOPS concept in your project?
- What is static in java?
- What is final in java?
- Why can't a local variable have default value?
- What is Constructor and what are the differences between Constructor and Method?
- What is Constructor Chaining in Java?
- What are the things happening internally at memory level when we create an object in java? Explain Object creation steps.
- What is Static Polymorphism or Compile Time Polymorphism or Overloading or Early binding?
- What is Dynamic Polymorphism or Run Time Polymorphism or Overriding or Late Binding?
- What are the differences between Overloading and Overriding?
- Can we have different return type in overloading/overriding?
- Can we override static method ? Justify for YES or NO.
- How to restrict the methods from overriding?
- What are the difference between Interface and Abstract Class?
- Why Abstract Classes are there in Java?
- What is static import?
- What is path, classpath? What are the differences between them? How to set the path and classpath?
- What is jar-war-ear? Differences among them? How to create them? How to execute them?
- What is Diamond problem in Multiple Interitance?
- What is Has-A and Is-A relationship in java?
- Difference between Association vs Inheritance and Aggregation vs Composition.
- What is Coupling and Cohesion?
- What are the importance of Inner class in java, why did vendors design it?
- What is hashcode?
- Difference between equals method and == operator?
- What is cloning, Types of cloning,Difference between them Write the code to implement Deep Clone?
- What is garbage collection in java, Explain in detail.
- What are the differences between String, StringBuilder & StringBuffer?
- What is the difference between creating the string object with new operator and without new operator?
- What is String Constant Pool and Why String uses it?
- Why String is final, Immutable?
- Name the five important methods of String that you used so frequently.
- What is Auto - Boxing & Auto - Unboxing?
- What are BigInteger and BigDecimal classes in java?
- What are the differences among Heap, Stack and Method Area?
- What is design pattern?
- How to create singleton design pattern?
- What is Immutable Class and how to design Immutable class?
- How to break the singleton design pattern?
- What is class loader, How many types of class loaders are available in java?
- In how many ways we can create the object of class?
- What is difference between Compile Time and Runtime Exception?
- How to create user defined exception?
- What are the differences between final, finally & finalize?
- What are the differences between throw & throws?
- Which is preferable between finally block and finalize method and why?
- Explain the Exception throwing rules while overriding the methods.
- In how many ways we can create the thread? Which one is preferable and why?
- Explain the thread life cycle.
- What are the differences between Sleep method and Wait method?
- Why wait and notify methods are available in Object class while being used in context of Thread Class?
- What is Synchronization? In how many ways we can apply Synchronization?Explain in detail.
- What is Deadlock? write the code for Deadlock.
- What is Consumer & Producer Problem? Write the code for the same.
- What is thread pooling? explain it with codes?
- What is join method?Write the code to explain.
- What is Daemon Thread? How to create Daemon Thread?
- What is difference between stop & yield method in java?
- What is volatile keyword in java?
- What is collection? Draw the hierarchy of collection.
- What are the differences between Collection, Collection Framework & Collections?
- Which collection you used in your project and why?
- How does Set collection rejects the duplicate elements?
- What are the differences between:
- Array vs ArrayList.
- ArrayList vs LinkedList.
- List vs Set.
- HashSet vs TreeSet.
- Iterator vs ListIterator.
- Comparable vs Comparator.
- What is Hashing Technique, How to avoid Collision in Hashing?
- Explain the internal Implementation of HashMap & LinkedHashMap?
- What are the differences between peak & poll of Queue?
- What is Concurrent Collection?
- What is Generic?
- What is Serialization? What is Transient? Can we serialize static variable?
- What is Reflection?
- What are the differences between creating the object using newInstance method and new operator?
Coding Round.
- Prime Number Checking.
- One Sorting Code.
- Second Highest Number.
- Star Pattern Printing Program.
- Factorial.
- Reverse String.
- Reverse Number.
- Count the occurrence of each character in given string.
- Consumer Producer Code.
- Dead Lock Code.
- Palindrome.
- Armstrong.
- Creation of Thread Pool.
- Temperature Conversion.
Various Company's Interview Questions Link below.
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Thank you for the list, very helpful...
ReplyDeleteMy Pleasure.
DeleteThe questions what ever listed, i have just followed blindly and went for my first interview, finally i cracked the and I'm in. Its all because of you.
ReplyDeleteHi Ranjitha,
DeleteThank you so much for the feedback.
Glad to know that it helped you alot.